Self care is something that many people take for granted. Previously even I have thought it was unnecessary, however as I'm working my way well into my twenties, I realise that self care should be a staple in every person's life. What is self care? Self care is doing something that will make you happy - whether that's cooking, exercising, painting, writing or mountain climbing! Taking the time to make sure you have a fun and happy life will result in you feeling more energetic, more social and more confident. So, what are the warning signs that you should start practising self care?
For a very long time, I was struggling to get up in the morning. It was an actual task to get me out of bed before 11am. Right now, that makes me shudder. If this is you, you're probably over sleeping or just don't have a continuous sleep routine. Personally, I know how hard it is to have a sleep routine when you work different shifts each day but there is only one way to conquer this - when that alarm goes off, get up immediately and make your bed. When you make your bed in the morning, you are less likely to jump back in and more likely to be motivated to do something with the extra time you've given yourself. I listened to this sleep meditation podcast thing ages ago and it changed the way I thought about sleep. Basically, it's drilled into our brains that we need a full eight hours to function properly. However, everyone is different - if you wake up before your alarm, you probably do not need anymore sleep, so get up, make your bed and have your breakfast (unless it's 2am, go back to bed).
Read my post on my morning routine to find out how being a morning person changed my life.
I'm sure I'm not the only person who goes through this feeling at least once a month. The worst part of this is that I know deep down I am good enough, but lil old self doubt loves to make an appearance now and then. If you feel like this often, it's time to say hello to mindfulness. Mindfulness makes you focus on the positive and forget the negative. Maybe start writing three things a week you are happy about or make time for one of your favourite hobbies each week. I recently discovered mindfulness and began blogging again because of it. Blogging is something I love and it keeps me sane during these, "I'm not good enough," days.
Here's a post on the importance of self-appreciation, if you want to find out some more tips.
Being body confident is all in your head. Forget about have a toned stomach and legs to die for, if you think positively about your body you will have legs to die for and a perfect stomach. 2017 was the year I joined a gym - something I said I'd never waste my money on. Quite frankly, I haven't lost any weight, I haven't gained any weight, I haven't noticed any major changes in my body physically. Mentally, I've never felt better, I'm so energetic, I feel great in everything I wear and I look forward to visiting the gym. I know, it sounds crazy. This year I posted the first full body picture on my personal Instagram account in years and I was shocked at the likes and comments from my friends as they could see how confident I felt in my skin. Learning to love my body is one of the best things I have done this year. It's not all picture perfect though and it's normal to have a few wobbly days here and there. You don't have to have a strict fitness and diet regime to fall in love with your body.
Your partner is constantly complimenting you but you feel like they're only doing that because they have to. You feel like they feel trapped because you are in such a downward spiral, the good things in your life can't be real. This is something I have struggled with in the past and here are my tips to overcoming this feeling: your partner is with you, he/she would not have chosen you if they didn't love you entirely for who you are. If you remind yourself about this, the feeling does start to fade away. No matter how far into the relationship you are, everyone struggles from time to time. This little reminder that they chose to be with you and no one else always bounces me back to reality. Another tip would be to communicate to your partner how you're feeling and that you need support. They know you better than anyone and will always put a smile on your face when you're feeling down.
On another note, if the relationship you are distancing yourself from is something you are not feeling positive about one bit, then end it immediately. Once it's ended, the hurt is over and done with. You should always look forward to spending time with your partner. If you don't, it's a bad sign and something you should think about cutting from your life to improve your mindset.
Being in a negative mindset can start to make you feel like a recluse. You just want to spend the whole day by yourself, in your comfies, eating snacks with the remote in your hand. I've been there and sadly I've done that. Your friends text you in the morning asking if you're still coming to pre-drinks at theirs tonight and you start thinking of excuses not to go. My usual go-to is, "I'm skint," as in a part time retail job, it's believable. I kept making this excuse without realising what effect it was having on myself and my friendships. At one point, my friends asked if I was avoiding them. It was at that moment I thought I need to stop this and make the effort to see them. Cancelling plans over and over was doing nothing for my social life and I spent most evenings sat at home watching crap TV. Now I'm over this and know I need to make a habit of seeing my friends at least once a week to catch up with them and not only have a support system for myself, but to offer support to them when they need it too.
Okay, so I'm still guilty to this. It's so hard to not kill time when you're an only child and home alone by raiding the fridge. My current obsessions are crisps and biscuits - preferably Pringles and custard creams. When I'm trying hard to avoid this boredom eating, I pour myself a large glass of water and basically down it. If I'm still feeling like I need to throw myself at the biscuit barrel, I will eat a healthy alternative to try and curb the craving. Some of my favourites include rice cakes with almond and coconut butter with banana on top, yogurt and berries, a Nakd bar, cucumber and carrot sticks or baby plum tomatoes. Now, if you're STILL hungry after a healthy snack, then I think it's time to think that you're legitimately hungry and it's time for dinner!
This was a great read. Self care is so important and I for one don't do it enough. I've succumb to cancelling plans many times and it always makes me feel worse when I do.
ReplyDeleteHave a good one,