Okay so a few things to note since I've been gone:
1. I've finished my degree with The Open University!
That's right, you are now looking at a girl with a BA(hons) English Literature! I have never been so happy or more proud of myself. Getting a degree has been my dream from a very young age. This may be a strange dream for a little girl to have but I am the first person in my family to get a degree and I'm absolutely chuffed. It's quite funny to think back about how I thought my life would be after/during my degree. When I was younger, I thought I'd be married shortly after my degree! It actually sounds ridiculous now. I remember making a ten year plan in a Religious Studies class (don't ask me what this had to do with religion mind?!). I wish I still had it so I could compare how my life has gone - one thing I'm certain as it definitely went off plan circa 2014.
From starting a degree in Geography at Swansea Uni, to dropping out and having a huge panic about what I was actually going to do with my life. Going to apprenticeship admin interviews, going to heaps of job interviews, to stumbling over The Open University and thinking I could do that! To actually signing up, enrolling, starting first year in Arts and Humanities to finding my true love of literature and writing. Ending university with marks I could only have dreamt of 4 years before. What a journey it has been.
2. Ironically, what am I actually going to do with my life?
It's all fun and games until you accept your qualification online and begin to realise a) you're skint and b) you need a full time job ASAP. The end has already happened and now I'm sat here waiting for my evening shift to start in Tesco, searching for full time jobs.
My passion is writing and I would love to have the chance to work in an environment where I get to use my best skills. I've applied to so many content writer/content editor jobs and I feel like they will never even consider me. But full time work is needed as I need money. I feel like I'm losing my social life because I actually can't afford to go for meals/go to the cinema/go out for drinks. Why is it so hard to have everything balanced out nicely? I need that work-life balance and that 9-5, Monday to Friday life is calling my name. No more Saturday evening shifts - maybe one day?
For now, I'm going to rediscover my love for this blog. I'm going to try and learn new things like SEO so I can increase my audience. Maybe even start making some free printable templates - I've already got a few in mind.
Anyone else recently graduated and endlessly searching for jobs?
Try to keep positive!

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