Monday, 7 April 2014

Confident & Beautiful // Fashion

Clothes are essential. Clothes cover your body and show exactly what you want to be seen. Whether that's your legs, cleavage, arms, feet, shoulders... Or nothing at all. Showing your body off through fashion can be daunting. I know to me it is anyway! I'm a size ten and am around 5"3 (if that). Finding clothes to wear which suit my body shape and are on trend are sometimes hard to come by. Lately I have had a huge love for finding new clothes for nights out! I usually head to Missguided as their clothes are so lovely and don't break the bank either! But now I'm on a mission to save my money for a shopping splurge in May! This will include clothes for my holiday and for a festival! I don't really know what styles to channel, as I've been styling outfits for Winter for so long now!

I'm not really self conscious but I know how it feels to be. I used to worry about the way my body looked so much. I used to get really downabout it and I expect some of you feel this way to?! These days when I think of how insecure I used to be, it baffles me! Growing up and becoming an adult has shown me that people come in all shapes and sizes and sometimes a good diet and exercise won't do anything about it! It's in your genes! A part of being confident is beginning to think that your body is beautiful, and trust me, it is. 

It doesn't matter how tall or short, how slim or wide you are, your body is beautiful! We have to accept that we look the way we look! After we've done that... We shop! *Gasp of excitement*

Shopping. A girls best and worst nightmare. 

I'm a size ten on average but in Primark jeans I'm a size twelve... So what?! It doesn't bother me! Why? Because I'm confident about my body. The more confident you feel about yourself, the more character you develop! Then you can adapt your style to the trends in fashion! 

Some of my all time favourite trends are the 90s, tartan, monochrome and recently pastel colours! A red tartan skirt is just my favourite thing! Ever! 

My favourite shopping stops are usually H&M, Missguided and Motel Rocks. I'm currently crushing on this print from Motel Rocks. I literally want everything available in this print!! 

Product of the Week

Pandora Grey Pearl Ring
It was a birthday present and I cannot go a day without it!

I hope you're all enjoying the Confident & Beautiful series so far! To view the other posts in the series so far, click on these links; skincare and makeup.

Just remember, fashion is for a second, but your body is forever, so learn to love it!

Thanks for reading!

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Hannah x


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