Monday, 21 April 2014

Confident & Beautiful // Socialisation

Can you believe it? It's the LAST post in the Confident & Beautiful series! It's been so much fun creating the content for these posts and I'd definitely love your opinions on the whole mini series! The reason I began writing these posts was to bring up the topic of confidence as I know for a fact, that young people are seriously affected by negative body images. I've developed myself into believing that everyone is different, and everyone is beautiful in a unique way. People will love your flaws as it's the imperfections that make us perfect... Right?!

I used to be so worried about the way I looked, my face, body, hair, clothes, everything was effected! I felt like I had to look a certain way to please society... Well, guess what? You don't. Having a range of different people in the world makes everything interesting! If every single blog was the same, would you read them all? Probably not. Variety is good.

In this weeks post, I will be discussing the topic of socialisation and how it can make you feel more confident. 

As I've already mentioned, everyone is different. We can't really change the way we look or act so we all must learn to love ourselves. Starting a blog has really opened up my world. I've met people from all over the world and talk to them about things that we're both interested in. Being social, even if it's just over the internet, will make you feel more confident.

Not many people know that I run and produce content for my own blog, I've only told my parents and one of my friends. This isn't because I'm embarrassed, it's because this is my little escape. I love this blog. I've recently hit 50 followers on Bloglovin' and I'm so happy about that! Thank you to everyone who wants to read what I have to say!

I've recently started an Instagram account for my blog because I want this blog to be a success. Instagram will let me socialise even more with you all and I will follow you back if that helps? Haha. You can follow me by clicking on the button below!



Bloglovin' app
I find this so fun to scroll through when I have spare time and it's so easy to like your favourite posts to read in the future.

And that's about it. The Confident & Beautiful mini series is complete. I hope you've all enjoyed these posts as I have loved preparing and producing them! I feel really proud of them if I'm honest. I hope you all feel more confident and beautiful as we're all different, and we're all beautiful! If anyone tells you any different, they're jealous as they see a spark in you which they don't have. Thank you all so much for reading and getting me to fifty followers on Bloglovin!

Let me know your opinions on this series, and also let me know if there's anything you want me to blog about! You can read the other posts in the series by clicking on the links below:

Thanks for reading! 

Follow on Bloglovin

Hannah x


  1. I should check this app out. Don't have it yet!


    1. Definitely do! It makes it so easy to read up on posts!xx

  2. Ah I see a blogpost of mine hehe, loved reading this, only my family know about my blog too, I feel the exact same :p I definitely want to become more social on the internet and I've already started, I never used to comment on youtube videos or bother with twitter or tumblr but expressing yourself and complimenting others on something that makes me smile definitely gives you a good feeling p



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