So for the last tag of the week, I thought I'd make up my own! I feel like tag posts help connect bloggers throughout the world and the thought of knowing people and communicating with them worldwide makes me happy! The blogging community is continuously growing and new bloggers do find it hard to gain a following. I'm not saying that I am a successful blogger, I have just grown my blog to 100 followers and just want to help other blogger's get their blog noticed!
Just because you don't have as many followers as other bloggers, doesn't mean you're any worse than them. You just need to continue blogging and creating content which you enjoy reading and producing. Soon after, people will discover your blog and the rest is history!
I called this tag the, 'Secrets of Blogging Tag,' because I want people to get an insight to why I blog, what I like to read about, who knows about my blog and other blogging related topics which this tag will hopefully address! I tag everyone to do this post as well as who I've tagged below! Link me if you do this tag as I'd love to see your answers! Now on with the tag!
1. When did you start blogging and why?
I started blogging on August the 29th, 2013. I began blogging because I was about to start university and I wanted to share my experience with the internet! I explain this in my first post titled I like to write. If you look at this post, it's a little paragraph and what makes me laugh is the Bloglovin html which I copy and pasted incorrectly on the post! I began blogging under the name Hannah The Fresher but on March the 24th, 2014 I changed my blog name officially to Hannah Notes which you can read about in the post titled Changing Names - Hannah The Fresher // Hannah Notes.
2. How many people 'in real life' know about your blog?
There are two people who know about my blog 'in real life.' My Mother and my best friend who's thinking about starting a YouTube channel. However, I've never actually shown either of them my blog, they just know I write one.
3. What are your favourite posts to read?
As a bargain hunter, I love eBay find posts but I also love posts which focus on one product and show different ways it can be used. Like recently, I've seen a few blogs posting about coconut oil which I've found really interesting to read!
4. List a new blog you've recently discovered.
5. What is the post you're most proud of?
Okay, so I've thought so hard about this question and I did have two possibilities but it is for sure Confident & Beautiful // Makeup. This post was a part of a mini series I did in March/April of this year. I put so much effort into the series but I loved how the photos came out for this post as photography isn't my strong point if I'm honest.
6. Any advice to future bloggers?
Keep posting. I know it's hard sometimes but keep posting! I usually sit down and wrote two or three posts at a time and take photos separately and add them in the day before a post goes live. Schedules and organisation is key to running an efficient blog.
I'd like to say to anyone doing this tag, feel free to use the heading picture to start the post. Also link me to the post so I can read your answers! Hope you like the tag!
Thanks for reading!
Hannah x